We will have our next Critics Corner meeting on Friday, March 25th, at 7:00 PM, at the home of Jeanne Piscitello.
The following movies will be discussed and then rated:

The Lost Daughter – (Available on Netflix) Alone on a seaside vacation, Leda becomes consumed with a young mother and daughter as she watches them on the beach. Unnerved by their compelling relationship, (and their raucous and menacing extended family), Leda is overwhelmed by her own memories of the terror, confusion, and intensity of early motherhood. An impulsive act shocks Leda into the strange and ominous world of her own mind, where she is forced to face the unconventional choices she made as a young mother and their consequences.
The Eyes of Tammy Faye – (Available on Amazon) This is an intimate look at the extraordinary rise, fall and redemption of televangelist Tammy Faye Bakker. In the 1970s and 80s, Tammy Faye and her husband, Jim Bakker, rose from humble beginnings to create the world's largest religious broadcasting network and theme park, and were revered for their message of love, acceptance and prosperity. Tammy Faye was legendary for her indelible eyelashes, her idiosyncratic singing, and her eagerness to embrace people from all walks of life. However, it wasn't long before financial improprieties, scheming rivals, and scandal toppled their carefully constructed empire.
If you enjoy going to the movies and love an opportunity to discuss the movie with other movie enthusiasts, then you should consider joining Critics’ Corner. We meet at a member’s house. After socializing over appetizers and some drinks, we then discuss and rate the two movies, which we will have already seen on our own. Each attendee brings either an appetizer or dessert and contributes $5 when they arrive to cover the cost of the drinks.
Please email Jeannette Glazer or call 203 966 2063 if you would like to participate.
To attend you must complete the Encore Club Covid-19 Waiver. The waiver can be found on the encoreclubofnewcanaan.org website.